Get it Girl Collective.

The collective.


Defining the female experience is difficult. We are so diverse, but what brings us together is our common experiences. Four ladies have come together to “highlight the female experience” in an illustration group called Get It Girl Collective. Made up of three illustrators and one producer, these women have made it their mission to spread positivity throughout the female community.

Motionographer Article.

The motion design industry is constantly evolving, albeit slowly. A measurable change is happening. In many ways, Get it Girl embodies much of these changes and where the motion design field is going.

The collective.

Los Angeles bound Get It Girl Collective, Amelia Giller, Audrey Lee, Xoana Herrera, and Kaitlyn Mahoney, come from different backgrounds, challenging each other to “make the art they want to see in the world.” Each month, they focus on a theme for their personalized illustrations, experimenting with their styles and narratives.



Hi there!

We’re about challenging and supporting one another to make the art we want to see in the world. We work on projects, and in mediums, that spark our interest and take us out of our comfort zone.